Quality Management
Since 2008, the Cree Nation of Wemindji has made the commitment to be the best of the best and offer awesome services and programs to its community members.
For this reason, it has become ISO 9001 certified and integrated the seven quality management principles in all of its processes and ways:
Customer focus
Meet community members’ requirements and to strive to exceed their expectations.
Establish clear alignment within the leadership team to achieve the organization’s objectives.
Engagement of people
Have competent, empowered and engaged people at all levels of the organization to steadily deliver results.
Process approach
Master all processes and their interrelations to deliver consistent and predictable results.
Continuously focus on wisely improving what exists and how things are done.
Evidence-based decision-making
Collect data and information and analyze them to make the wisest decisions possible, based on facts.
Relationship management
Internal and external relationships are key in our success and we need to nurture them.